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Im ShunTre' and I'm currently taking this class, not because im interested in it but because I have to, it's part of my degree requirements but while i'm in it I hope to learn more about politics especially in Texas and get a grip on what they really mean and how do they make our lives easier or harder. I did terrible on the General knowledge and the Political knowledge quizzez in class by the way but I dont think I was the only one.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lets find you a job response!

In one of my classmates blogs Texas In My Eyes she recently wrote about how it's become very hard for veterans who served in the military service to get jobs. There has been bills and movements trying to help veterans get jobs when they return but of course none of they are falling through.

My classmate said there is a post 9/11 bill that helps veterans get financial support and helps with their education. She says there's many places and programs available for returning soldiers but it still isn't enough because the veteran  unemployment rate is still extremely high!

 I feel that there should be some type of law or bill stating that when these soldiers soon to be veteran's return home they should be able to find a good source of income to help support themselves and their families. It's not fair that they spend months almost years at a time fighting for their country, making sure we're safe and can't even get a job when they return!

It's crazy to me because now days it's easier for an ex convict to get a job when they have committed terrible crimes but it takes someone who risk their lives for us and put their lives in dangers just so we as the country can continue working at our jobs to never get a job and then become homeless, I would rather go back to the army than to sit around with nothing to do no place to go.