About Me

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Im ShunTre' and I'm currently taking this class, not because im interested in it but because I have to, it's part of my degree requirements but while i'm in it I hope to learn more about politics especially in Texas and get a grip on what they really mean and how do they make our lives easier or harder. I did terrible on the General knowledge and the Political knowledge quizzez in class by the way but I dont think I was the only one.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Immigration Reform Law

On September 16th The Texas Tribune published an article called Border Democrats See Immigration Window Closing and it was mainly stating how the deadline is coming closer and closer to its for the immigration reform law which is a law that helps immigrants getting citizenship in the United States from other countries much easier and how there's so many issues happening in the states right now like the conflict in Syria that's making it almost impossible for the house to sit down and discuss this immigration law. The fact that congress will meet for less than nine full weeks before the end of the year and there are many budget problems that are said to take weeks to be fixed makes immigrants lives that much harder just to become a citizen. I think this blog is worth reading because it shows that the goverment isn't leaving anyone behind like most of us think and that there are changes that are trying to be made to change and better the lives of citizens and soon-to-be citizens.